Escape games (British Columbia)

Escape games!

Your kids will have 30 minutes to defuse a bomb!

They will have to work in groups in the class. They must have a sense of observation. They will have to solve, puzzles, logical tasks and in a more or less determined order to find the numerical combination that will open the chest where the keys are to stop the countdown of the bomb.

Objectives at the elementary level:

  • Uncover and list clues based on their relevance.
  • Use a variety of techniques and observation tools.
  • Demonstrate that chemical changes (e.g. invisible ink) modify the properties of matter.
  • Understand the scientific interest of fingerprints, sketches and coded messages.
  • Apply scientific reasoning.

Additional charges

  • Travel costs (minimum $ 25) based on distance apply.
  • In 60-minute workshops, if there are more than 5 groups on schedule, the workshops will be spread over more than one day and the transportation costs will have to be adjusted accordingly.
  • Additional fees will be charged if there is a delay of more than 90 minutes between two workshops.



Date (Please provide at least 2 dates, and if you have any restrictions for certain days of the week.)

Schedule (Please provide the full schedule of your school classes and if you prefer morning or afternoon. Note that a minimum of 5 minutes is required between workshops.)*

Is this reservation part of a MEES measure? *

If the previous answer is yes, please indicate what measure.

Special requests

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