Contact us

profaqua QC


4000 Saint-Ambroise Street, Suite 266
Montreal QC Canada H4C 2C7

Number (NEQ): 1178407004
Number (TVQ): 1230337116 TQ 0001
Number (TPS): 774242010 RT 0001

profaqua BC

514.931.7248 ext. 3   or   514.969.3930

3370 Dewdney Trunk Rd., Suite 535
Port Moody BC Canada V3H 0K9

Number (BC): 71307 6727 BT 0001
Number (PST): 1478 1230
Number (GST): 713076727 RT 0001

Send us a message

Please DO NOT email us to receive a quote. You will need to place an order through the website.

By placing an order, you will not be obligated to any service or payment. The order confirms that your request is in the queue to be processed, you will receive an official submission within 24-72 hours after submitting the order.

    The person responsible for the protection of personal information of Profaqua QC inc. is Mr. Eric Czerniecki.

    Contact by phone: 514-931-7248
    Contact by email:
