Dinosaurs (British Columbia)

Help, dinosaurs!   

Did you meet a dinosaur on your way to school this morning? Where do they come from? What do they eat? How did they disappear? What are their means of defence? What animal did they evolve into? What is a fossil? These are questions your aspiring paleontologists will be able to answer through our five exciting workshops, which includes a palaeontological dig, the museum, its electronic platform and race track! Let’s walk together on the traces of these terrible lizards! Note: youths will take home a drawing of their favourite dinosaur!

Objectives at the elementary level:

  • Describe the major stages of the origin of life on Earth.
  • Describe the hypotheses linked to the disappearance of dinosaurs.
  • Associate different parts of the anatomy of dinosaurs with their function.
  • Associate different types of dinosaurs with their diet (carnivorous, herbivorous, and omnivorous).
  • Present an arts & crafts workshop on the topic of dinosaurs.

Our needs

  • 5 teams must be formed before the science animator arrives.

Additional charges

  • Travel costs (minimum $ 25) based on distance apply.
  • In 60-minute workshops, if there are more than 5 groups on schedule, the workshops will be spread over more than one day and the transportation costs will have to be adjusted accordingly.
  • Additional fees will be charged if there is a delay of more than 90 minutes between two workshops.



Date (Please provide at least 2 dates, and if you have any restrictions for certain days of the week.)

Schedule (Please provide the full schedule of your school classes and if you prefer morning or afternoon. Note that a minimum of 5 minutes is required between workshops.)*

Is this reservation part of a MEES measure? *

If the previous answer is yes, please indicate what measure.

Special requests

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