Nutrition (British Columbia)

The challenge of healthy eating!

Complex or simple sugars? Water or juice? Our sports performance and our health depend on our food choices! Youths will achieve this by participating in an actual research where they are the actors! We will determine the effect of the hydration level and different sugars on their sports performance. Afterwards, a summary of their results will be provided and available to you. An excellent way to recognize the impact of our eating habits!

On the menu:

The next two workshops can be ca out in the school’s gymnasium in two weeks or in two physical education classes.

The food needed for the workshop involving the carbohydrate test is given during the fluids test.

1) Fluids test (60 min)

The test is composed of four groups with different hydration levels (water, sports drink, diet fruit juice and no hydration). Which group will be the most effective in our space shuttle challenges?

2) Complex carbohydrates test (complex sugar – 60 min)

Two groups are created: the first group is the control group with a regular diet or, with the parents’ consent, an unhealthy diet (pizza and hamburgers); the second is the experimental group with a diet rich in complex carbohydrates more commonly known as complex sugars (Profaqua provides a pasta meal the evening before the activity, an oatmeal breakfast and a cereal bar for a snack). The physical performances of both groups will then be assessed through physical exercises (sit-ups, pushups, lunges, etc.).

Objectives at the elementary level:

  • Describe the components and functions of the major muscles and organs of the human anatomy.
  • Identify the different parts of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Identify the organs of the digestive system and describe their functions.
  • Name the basic nutrients that human bodies need for growth (water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, mineral and salts, vitamins).
  • Understand the nutrition facts labels on various food products.
  • Understand the difference between slow and fast carbohydrates.
  • Describe the effects of energy drinks on metabolism.

Objectives at the secondary level:

  • Identify the major parts of the digestive system and their roles
  • Identify and describe the function of the digestive glands in the digestive system.
  • Associate the organs of the digestive tract with the different processes for breaking down food (e.g. mastication and the production of saliva in the salivary glands)
  • Explain the functions of bones, joints and muscles (biceps and triceps).
  • Describe the major biological functions of the different food constituents present in foods (water, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, mineral salts).
  • Understand the difference between slow and fast carbohydrates.
  • Estimate the energetic and nutritional value of different foods.

Additional details

Type of service

Customer type



Our needs

  • The 2 tests are carried out in the gymnasium of the school (or outside) and can be carried out over 2 weeks or 2 physical education classes.

Important information

  • Use of elements that may include allergens (Peanuts, wheat, gluten, milk and nuts).
  • All equipment is provided by Profaqua

Additional charges

  • For this workshop, a one-time fee of $ 115 will be added to your shopping cart for purchase and preparation services.
  • Travel costs (minimum $ 25) based on distance apply.
  • In 60-minute workshops, if there are more than 5 groups on schedule, the workshops will be spread over more than one day and the transportation costs will have to be adjusted accordingly.
  • Additional fees will be charged if there is a delay of more than 90 minutes between two workshops.



Date (Please provide at least 2 dates, and if you have any restrictions for certain days of the week.)

Schedule (Please provide the full schedule of your school classes and if you prefer morning or afternoon. Note that a minimum of 5 minutes is required between workshops.)*

Is this reservation part of a MEES measure? *

If the previous answer is yes, please indicate what measure.

Special requests

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